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Cons Comm Minutes 05/04/05
Present:        Ginie Page, Co-Chair, Ed Reynolds, Co-Chair, Cyndi Moe, Abby Franklin, John DiBlasio, Dottie Dolan, Paul Banner, Hillary Greenberg, Conservation Agent, and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Business Meeting:

Meeting called to order at 4:05 by Co-Chair Ginie Page  
Agent Greenberg reported the dwelling on Lt. Island without shingles was permitted.
The Rausch property, now owned by Kevin Young, has a new NOI being filed.  Cyndi Moe reported it is a vernal pool and an isolated wetland area.  Hillary to contact Erik Mitchell.
At 75 Chequessett Neck Road, there is illegal cutting being done.  Hillary sent a letter to owner stating they are in violation.
The Calais property on Fresh Brook is permitted.
A letter was sent regarding the Gilmore property of their violations.  
Hillary and Cyndi will make a site visit to property located behind Moby Dick’s in regards to clear cutting and burning on property which has over one acre of marsh on it.
Dottie Dolan reported the Boriskin’s are making a revetment and a flight of stairs.  Hillary will make a site visit.
Committee not happy with the quality of the trail guides (new trail guide pasted in center).
Cyndi Moe suggests letting Risch remove their deck.  
Cyndi showed the Commissioners a flyer from the Boxford, MA community and suggested we make a similar flyer.  
It was determined the Committee can still grant Jurisdictional Opinions.
Abby Franklin reviewed the correspondence file:
There were several donations made to the commission in memory of Loyd Gilmour.
Norgeot letter to Emily Beebe dated May 2, 2005 looking to the Commission to write a letter to the State stating all requirements were complied with.  Although DEP has yet to provide a file number, Cyndi asked if we could write the letter.   Hillary to look for letter Erik wrote and get back to the Commission.
A letter dated April 19, 2005 from Warren Rosen regarding the MA Audubon file was received.  His concern is the recreational impact.  
A flyer regarding self-help grants from the State were reviewed.
Tuttle. An abutter to Rose’s Body Shop, is concerned about fill being placed in the wetlands and questioned if there is a deed.
Co-Chair Page stated the Conservation Trust is willing to check our land (Town owned land).  Abby Franklin Moved to let the conservation Trust assist us in identify property; Seconded by John DiBlasio, Vote 3-3.  Dottie Dolan feels we need to formulate our own plan and be aware of the properties.  Cyndi Moe to check with Rex Peterson to see if there is a map available for review.
The Commission received information from the Planning Board regarding a subdivision in the Black Fish Creek area which is located in the flood zone.
Hillary will e-mail the Commissioners the revised MOU and discuss at next meeting.
Paul Banner reported the committee for the wind mill is looking at the Boy Scout camp, the cemetery, the golf course, and the dump as a possible location.
Agent Greenberg reported she attended a meeting with Rebecca Rosenberg regarding the Herring River restoration project.

Public Hearings:

5:00    MA Audubon, Lt. Island, Map 41, Parcels 178 and 179, Restoration of salt marsh grasses and sand dune with placement of rock barriers, NOI:  Cont’d from 04/20/05).  Abby Franklin recused herself.  Ginie Page reported the Town has no concern about the property lines.  The Commission made a site visit.  Bob Prescott, of the Audubon, stated he feels the first presentation to the Commission covered all of the project.  Dan Silverman of the Fire Department requested to see the plans.  He stated it was imperative there be access for vehicles at the south location and requested a fire gate be installed in place of the boulders, with the Fire Department controlling the key; Prescott agreed to their request.  Sylvia Smith had concerns regarding blocking the right of ways, which Audubon shares with the Town.  Prescott stated parking will be limited to four or five cars.  John Smith, read an e-mail from Prescott and stated he disagreed with Audubon’s statement regarding the plovers and willetts.  Fred Richards reviewed the map and asked if he would have access to the shellfishing grant area via the Town Landing of which Prescott stated yes.  Joel Parks asked that the Town lands be identified on maps.  Barbara Austin asked why snow fence was in paper roads, of which Prescott stated no one could identify where the boundaries were.  The fencing is pre-existing on Parcel 159.  Paul Banner asked about the parking for non-residents in the southern project and Prescott responded with two or three spaces.  Discussion followed regarding the use and access for residents as well as non-residents.  Helen Miranda Wilson identified lots owned by the Town in the subdivision and stated they might possibly be utilized for parking, at which the Commission stated they want to protect the land and limit vehicles.  Banner stated this is not the forum to discuss the parking and access for vehicles.  Dottie Dolan Moved to approve the NOI with conditions; Seconded by Ed Reynolds; Passed 6-0.  Cyndi Moe and Ginie Page will be the supervisors.

Abby Franklin came back to the table

5:40    Stanford and Dorothy Ross, 945 Chequessett Neck Road, Map 19, Parcel 98:  Resurface and shoring of existing cinder block revetment, NOI (Cont’d from 04/06/05).  Peter Markunas of Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. distributed revised plans dated 04/25/05 which included a change of a portion of the rock revetment adjacent to the cinder blacks.  The Ross’s do not want to rebuild the entire revetment.   Markunas suggests utilizing vinyl sheeting in front of the cinder blocks and place re-enforcement rods along with concrete for additional support for the cinder block portion and rebuilding the rock revetment from the top of the hill.  In the washout area, he would like to revegetate.  He stated they have permission to use the neighbors property for access and Moe stated they would need a letter from abutter.  Markunas reviewed the general notes on the plan, and Cyndi Moe questioned the stairway.  Markunas asked the Commission if they would consider using stone stairs in place of the wooden stairs, which the Commissioners agreed to.  Banner Moved to approve the NOI; Seconded by Franklin; Passed 7-0 with conditions.  

6:03  Herbert Gstalder, 130 Valley Road, Map 9, Parcel 641:  Add a 21 x 6 cantilevered box bay window:  NOI.   Dick Lay of Slade Associates represented the applicant.  A site visit was made.  He stated they want to remove the porch and add on to the living room.  The Commissioners reported the bulk head needs repair and asked when was the deck put on.  The Commission felt this was more of an impact than just adding a bay window.  Lay stated a crawl space will be under the room on the same footprint, with a height of four feet with no access.  Agent Greenberg asked why this would not be done on sono-tubes and Lay responded they want to have this room as year-round.  The Committee requested to see foundation plans and require a letter from National Heritage.  Banner moved to continue to May 18, 2005; Seconded by Abby Franklin; Passed 7-0.

6:16  Frank and Helen Risch,  95 Billingsgate Road, Map 28, Parcel 232:  Addition to dwelling, NOI, (Cont’d from 04/06/05).   Jeff Carlson, Builder and Stephen Hart, designer represented the applicant.  Revised plans of April 25, 2005 were reviewed.  They stated they were trying to keep the house as close to the street as they could, and had restrictive height issues.  They would be eliminating 440 square feet of the ground level deck and revegetating.  There will still be a second floor deck on posts.  A total of 4,837 square feet will be eliminated in the 100 foot buffer zone with the new plans.  A letter dated 04/25/05 from Don Schall of ENSR stated the new plans are an improvement.  This would be considered new construction.  There would be 25% increase in disturbance with this plan.  Basement bedrooms will e dismantled and removed.  There will be a full foundation under the new addition with no legal egress.  The well will be moved to a new location.  Mitigation by plantings and removal of trees.  A destablization is recommended for the hill due to sand blowing up the hill instead of going down to the beach.  Banner moved to approve the 04/25/05 plans with conditions; Seconded by Ed Reynolds; Passed 7-0.  Abby Franklin, Supervisor

6:15  Steve Golad,  280 Pleasant Point Ave., Map 35, Parcel 140, Replace existing dwelling and septic NOI, (Cont’d from 04/06/05).   Tim Brady represented the applicant and stated Golad want to upgrade the dwelling.  Cyndi Moe stated he cannot dismantle the house because it would be considered new construction.  Windows, reshingling, roofing, etc. could be replaced for the upgrade.   Banner Moved to approve the revised plans dated 05/02/05 with conditions; Seconded by Abby Franklin’ Passed 7-0.  Abby Franklin, Supervisor

6:50  William Deyesso, 995 Chequessett Neck Road, Map 19, Parcel 95, Bank Nourishment:  NOI, SE77-1067 is the new DEP number assigned for the bank renourishment.  Attorney  Bruce Bierdas, Chris Norgeot and Alan Cabral represented the applicant.  Bierdas  reviewed the history of DEP SE77-902 and the timeframe and issues with the Park.  Nourishment will be accessed by Powers Beach utilizing a front loader.  Norgeot stated there may be a concern with getting the sand to the location and may have to change machinery.  If that is the case, he will come back to the Commission.  Dottie Dolan Moved to approve the plan with conditions; Seconded by Abby Franklin; Passed 7-0.   Ginie Page, Supervisor

Ginie Page stated DPW has cut into the dunes at Cahoons Beach and asked Agent Greenberg to come back with some information to the Commission.

Abby Franklin Moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:25; Seconded by Paul Banner, Passed 7-0.

Respectfully submitted,
Christine A. Bates
Committee Secretary